React 성능 최적화 체크리스트 본문
더 많은 고객의 유입을 위해서는 Optimization은 어떻게 보면 필수적인 요소이다.
아래의 항목들은 주요 성능 최적화를 본 개발자의 기본 체크리스트이다. 상황에 따라서 더 추가하거나 제외할 수 있다.
1. Measure component level rendering performance with either of the following
- Chrome DevTools Performance Panel
- React DevTools Profiler
2. Minimize unnecessary component Re-Renders
- Override ShouldComponentUpdate where applicable
- Use PureComponent for class components
- Use React.memo for functional components
- Memoize Redux select with Reselect for example
- Virtualize super long lists with React Window, React Virtualized for example
3. Measure app level performance with Lighthouse
4. Improve app level performance
- If not server-side rendering, split components with React.lazy
- If server-side rendering, split components with a library like loadable-components
- Use service worker to cache files that are worth caching. Workbox will make your life easier
- If server-side rendering, use streams istedad of string(renderToNodeStream and renderToStaticNodeStream)
- If can't SSR, Pre-render instead. Libraries like react-snap can help
- Extract critical styles if using CSS in JS Library
- Make sure your application is accessible. Consider using libraries like React Ally and Rext-Axe
- Add a web app manifest if you think users would like to access your site through their deveice homescreen
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